Snap-on Smile for Children

My eight year old has a large chip on his front tooth. I want to know if snap on smile will work for him until I can get this fixed.

Bradley- Oregon


I am going to discourage you getting Snap-on Smile for your son for several reasons. At eight years old, even if it would work for him, he'd probably loose it. Snap-on smile does just what it says- it snaps in and out. It's unlikely he'd keep it in.  If you paid to have it replaced, there is a good chance he'd loose that one too.

For the sake of argument, though, let's assume he is one of those remarkably responsible and mature 8 year old's who would keep it in. At his age he has some permanent teeth, and some baby teeth, as well as erupting teeth.  Dentists call this a mixed dentition stage. His appliance would have to have a completely new fit every few months, which would cost you a fortune. Plus, it would get in the way of his erupting teeth.

My recommendation would be to go ahead and get this fixed with porcelain, such as with Orange County Lumineers or another brand of  porcelain veneers. You may even consider dental bonding.

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