Whiten bonding

I didn't have any lateral incisors when I was born, so my dentist did some dental bonding on two of my teeth to make them look like lateral incisors and make my smile more normal. It's been over 12 years and I know they need to be replaced. I just can't afford it right now.  I know you can't whiten bonding to make them whiter, I was just wondering if they can be whitened back to their normal color?

Andrew W.- Washington


Unfortunately, you cannot get the bonding back to its original color with teeth whitening Orange County. As long as your stains are external and not internal you could make them look a little better with a polishing procedure known to expert cosmetic dentists. Other than that, the bonding would need to be replaced.

I wouldn't go looking for a bargain dentist to do this. It is a procedure that requires some technical skill and knowledge. If that is not possible for you I would just save up and wait until you had the money to replace them. Another option for you, if you're saving up is to get Orange County Lumineers placed on the teeth instead of bonding. It is more expensive than bonding, but they will last much, much longer, saving you some expense in the long run.

This blog is brought to you by Orange County Dentist Dr. Tammy Tran.

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